89500 Overseas Hwy. P O Box 456, Tavernier, Fl. 33070

Phone: 305-852-5372


Religious Education

San Pedro Catholic Church offers a robust Religious Education program from Kindergarten through Confirmation. We encourage all children of our parish to join as we learn about the Bible, The Ten Commandments, the life and teachings of Jesus, and our Catholic Faith. We have a full curriculum with guidelines established by the Archdiocese of Miami. Classes are in session from September to May and are held every Sunday from 10 am - 11 am.

Classes will resume on September 10th, 2024. To register call 305-852-5372, extension 0.
Further information is also included in the bulletins. Amy Brown Pope serves as the Director of Religious Education.

We kindly request a donation of $100 per student for the year to help cover our costs.

Two years of Religious Education classes are required to prepare students before they are able to make their First Holy Communion and to be Confirmed. Students are assigned to classrooms in the following grade levels:

  • Kindergarten / 1st Grade Class
  • 2nd Grade - First Communion Class
  • 3rd - 5th Grade Class
  • 6th - 8th Grade - Confirmation Class

The mission of San Pedro's Religious Education Program is to further enhance the faith formation of the children of our parish and to support the efforts of parents and guardians who want to share their Catholic faith with their children. We are committed to teaching the word of God, centering our lives around Jesus Christ, understanding and encouraging prayer, and deepening our Catholic faith while fostering community and inspiring service to others.

  • Kindergarten

    Kindergarten 2023

  • Gathering

    Gathered Together in the Hall

  • First Eucharist

    First Eucharist Class 2023

  • Confirmation

    Confirmation Class 2023



MONDAY – FRIDAY   9:00 AM – 4:00PM

(12:00-12:30 pm – Closed for Lunch)
The church is at 89500 Overseas Hwy. (US1), mile marker 89.5 bayside, Plantation Key.
Mailing Address: P O Box 456, Tavernier, Fl. 33070
Phone: 305-852-5372